Press Room

Learn about Rhonda & Secrets from the Stacks:

Interview with Margaret McCraw on radio program Business Life Works on Radio

Interview with Emmy Award winner, Danette Kubanda
Book Summary


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In Secrets From The Stacks, Rhonda teaches how to archive your personal materials for long-term preservation.  She answers the questions: What are the best enclosures for color photographs?  How are daguerreotypes, or tintypes best stored?  How should your ancestors’ Civil War gun be packaged?  What should you do with your great-grandmother’s hand-made quilt? What room in your house will provide the best storage area?   What happens if there is mold on materials and what is the best way to avoid this potentially disastrous situation? What is Vinegar Syndrome and how is it best avoided.  Is there nitrate film in your collection and what to do if there is.  She discusses disaster prevention and disaster recovery; how to digitize different materials and what to do with born digital items. Another section of the books discusses storytelling – using Facebook as a way to tell family story, keeping a blog, writing an autobiography or memoir, doing an oral history.


Bellingham Bulletin, Chadwick Advises: Don’t Throw That Photograph Out